Saturday 16 March 2013

Beautiful Interiors – The First Step

Beautiful Interiors  – The First Step
By Brigitte Oberlander

The very first step towards creating a beautiful interior is to get rid of clutter. Not only does de-cluttering your home create physical space and order, you’ll discover the wonderful side effects of feeling less stressed and more mentally organised – bonus! How to start? Make a day of it and be brutal – throw away, recycle, donate or send to auction unwanted, unused or irreparable items. If you struggle with this part get a friend to help – they’ll be more decisive. Next – organise – put items that aren’t used much out of sight, file away bills and unsightly paperwork and return items to their rightful place. Everything in your home should have a home. Lastly – do a big clean and don’t forget your mirrors and windows, clean windows make any interior feel spacious and fresh. Now you can sit back with a glass of wine, admire your efforts and let feelings of virtuousness overcome you.

Next post – Tips on Creating Beautiful Shelf Displays.

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